So, again I am passing it on to the save eight (minus Deanna who gave this:), so please don't feel pressured to reciprocate this and His Light Shines award if it is too much.
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Thank you Sitka (and Sitka's mom) for awarding me the above! Please visit All God's Creatures where Sitka shares his experiences as a therapy dog and family member.
Two rules accompany this award:
1. Confess 5 things you are addicted to
2. Pass the award on to 5 deserving bloggers
Five addictions:
1. Jesus (from the deepest part of me)
2. Time with my husband (from the wife in me)
3. Time with my children (from the mother in me)
4. Time away from my children Yes, alone and quiet time (from the introvert in me)
5. Clutter free living (I am not always there, but I desperately try to de-clutter my world.) (from the neat freak hiding in me)
Five deserving bloggers:
1. Visit Beth at An Instrument for His Glory. She is truly a woman after God’s own hearts. She wears many hats, so to speak, but wears them well. She is the real deal.
2. Visit Teresa at White Washed Heart. She, too, is a woman who shows forth passion for God in her blog. I love her invitation to sinners on her blog. Her transparency and purity shine through her blog.
3. Visit Denise at Teacups and Time. Her blog is quite creative. I love her poetic style of writing and how she uniquely expresses through pictures and writing who the Lord is.
4. Visit Bernice at My Journey. When I first went to her blog, I felt like I was surrounded by the Lord with the music and her writings. Her blog is full of depth and wisdom. She strikes me as a woman who knows the Lord, having surrendered all.
5. Visit Mary at Divinely Designed. I don’t know all of the rules of this award, but I know Mary has received it twice and I think deserves so. She is a generous and powerful lady in the hands of the Lord. She has helped so many women and you would benefit greatly from her blog.
P.S. Mary, I think you should be exempt at giving this award to 5 people on your DD site, since you did it on your other site. (I know it takes time to do so:)
Ladies, I tried my best to summarize my thoughts. If I misspelled or misstated anything, forgive me (and let me know:) If you have received the award already, then just accept it as confirmation of your blogs impact. Also, I am signing off this Tuesday, but will pick up Tuesday's truth again next week!
Number three from my top 10 list to help overcome temptation is YOU CAN BEAR IT! Patience is developed in the midst of our trials. To see number two from the list, click here.
Romans 15:3-5 (New King James Version)
3 For even Christ did not please Himself; but as it is written, “The reproaches of those who reproached You fell on Me.” 4 For whatever things were written before were written for our learning, that we through the patience and comfort of the Scriptures might have hope. 5 Now may the God of patience and comfort grant you to be like-minded toward one another, according to Christ Jesus…
God often saves the best for last!
It is worth the wait, because we receive God’s best and because we are changed for the better!
My husband came last! (I met my husband after a bunch of bad relationships. God would always speak to my heart to WAIT! He told me again and again that He had saved the best for last. GOD WAS RIGHT.)
Other lasts…
Jesus came last! (He is the best of the Prophets! He is the Alpha and Omega!)
Heaven is last! (It is the best place we will ever live! It is our true home.)
When we wait on God, we don’t settle for less than His best. During the waiting, we grow in character, which ultimately helps us serve Him and live more fully! When we don’t wait and put matters into our own hands, we get an Ishmael and are ultimately disappointed.
Whatever you are waiting on, fill your hearts and minds with God’s Word, God’s love, and God’s peace. It isn’t easy to wait, but it is always, always worth it!
A prayer for you: Lord, bless my sister with grace to wait on You in prayer. May she wait also for what You desire to bring her. Help her to not settle for anything less than your Word and your best! Surprise her today with just how GREAT You are! In Jesus precious name. Amen
(BTW- My dad took the beautiful picture above at the beach with my mom recently. It reminds me of the peace God brings in the midst of waiting!)