"What are you thankful for today? Stop by Sonya's blog,
Truth 4 The Journey, to find out how to share your gratitude and see what others are thanking God for today."
1. My husband is off for two weeks- no studying! HALLELUJAH!
2. My son asked to go to the potty twice today and we haven't even officially started mission potty training. THANK YOU JESUS. (Candy rewards help too:)
3. We have a roof over our heads, clothes without tears, reliable cars, more than enough food, clean water to drink, a good gospel preaching church, great loving friends, and healthy growing children. Life is good.
4. I love my husband and am so grateful for him. I told him yesterday that it bothered me that there were toys left out in the yard (probably only four toys- I am ridiculous like that.) He said it didn't bother him and I said I would pick them up later. I looked out the window this morning and he had picked them up for me. He knows my love language:)
5. I love my mom and dad. I don't ever want to take them for granted. I thank the Lord for all the wonderful years I have had with them and hopefully many more to come.