"What are you thankful for today? Stop by Sonya's blog,
Truth 4 The Journey, to find out how to share your gratitude and see what others are thanking God for today."
As many of you know, I just moved. I want to say five things I am thankful for about our new home. BTW- These things are different from our old home.
1. Our huge back yard- I am thankful for a big place for the kids to play and run around!
2. Our carport- That is my kids favorite place to play.
3. Our neighbors- My daughter's best friend, Makayla, lives in our old neighborhood. We missed her so much the first few days after moving. God blessed us with another little girl, who lives right next door. She has helped ease the loss we felt from not being so close to Makayla.
4. Smaller space- People thought we might go into shell shock, because we are living in about half the space. Actually, it has been a blessing for us. We have downsized sooooooo much and it will make the next move easier. I don't know when that will be, but will be sometime next year:) WOW!
5. Grass!- We did not have a green lawn where we came from, but this house has lots of green grass. Well, it's dying some from the heat, but you know what I mean.
I thank God that He has helped us every step of the way and to have a place to call home. And, I am especially grateful that is truly starting to feel like home. I missed everyone on TT- glad to be back!